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intangible cost中文是什么意思

用"intangible cost"造句"intangible cost"怎么读"intangible cost" in a sentence


  • 无形成本, 不可回收成本
  • 无形费用


  • So , we have to be dead to the intangible costs , access to the mysteries of nature
  • But these hard costs exclude the intangible costs associated with a requirements error
  • " intangible costs such as time spent cvs need to be taken into account the more obvious expenses .
    “除了那些能看得见的成本外,花在筛选简历上的时间等无形成本也需要考虑在内。 ”
  • " intangible costs such as time spent sifting through cvs need to be taken into account on top of the more obvious expenses .
    “除了那些能看得见的成本外,花在筛选简历上的时间等无形成本也需要考虑在内。 ”
  • Intangible costs include lack of features that could have been delivered had the project s resources not been devoted to rework , loss of confidence on the part of customers , and accompanying lost and unrecoverable market share , revenue and profit
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